Why Us?
Top 10 Reasons to Use Us for Your Next Vacation
10. We have been there
We are constantly traveling the world, gaining new insights and sharing them with you.

9. We know the questions to ask
Our process is all about asking you questions and really listening.
8. We provide solutions
Based on your needs, wants and desires we provide the best vacation solutions.
7. We have connections
We regularly meet with travel suppliers and contact them when we need help, favors, etc.

Lynn and Stacy with Carson from Abercrombie & Kent.
6. We offer exclusive products
Our Travel Leaders Network affiliation provides us with exclusive amenities and rates on cruises, hotels and more.
5. Our prices are the same as buying from suppliers directly
Book your cruise or vacation package with us and you get all of the items on this list.
4. We collaborate with you
We validate your research plus, we provide new options and assist you in tying it all together.
3. We have your back
Before, during and after your vacation we are watching out for you.
2. We are WI-based, independently women-owned and operated
Our small business employs local residents and pays taxes in our communities.
1. We have done it all
Across our team members we have visited hundreds of destinations and have hundreds of years of experience.

Celebrating Jen's 30th Anniversary with our company.
Travel is our passion and our life. We would love to show you how to #travelbetter and #gettherewithjourneys. Contact us!